Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Shelters To Close

In a few days hurricane battered areas and all government shelters will close. Thousands will be living in tents in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama. The cost to rebuild the storms destruction is certainly in the hundreds of billions. America cannot sustain the costs of the "War on Terrorism" and the costs in rebuilding the south where millions have been uprooted and now tented. It is shameful to imagine America creating a third world environment, while wasting lives and condoning torture, in order to "control" the political and economic future of the middle east. By denying our own citizens who are suffering miserably here, our own neighbors, friends and family, is an insult to any notion of humanity and decency. The recent publication of "Victory In Iraq" is a smack in the face to the suffering going on here at home. The consequences of course will be more anger against Bush policy and political change.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Priorities Out of Whack

While the Suit Nazis spend 200-500 billion to promote the middle east goings on, New Orleans needs only 35 billion to have Catagory 5 protection. Will we spend to protect Americans in Louisiana, or will we line oil magnates pockets with war profits? And as China spends billions to relocate their metropolitan areas for the benefit of billions of People, we spend billions to maim and destroy and Torture. Our priorities are out of whack, our leaders are self righteous greedmongers as recently demonstrated by high placed officials who head appropriation committees in Congress, taking bribes by defense contractors. OUT of Whack!! We are out of our minds to continue with these priorities! If our priorities do not change soon, history will condemn America as Nazi Germany was condemned.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Border

There is an old joke that goes, "One can abolish war by abolishing borders" A borderless Earth would then have only citizens of the planet. I predict ala "Star Trek" that a "Federation of Planets" will be a reality in the far far future. This hopeful utopia of a world, let alone planets without borders, undoubtably is the dream of those who advocate peace. My point in broaching these thoughts is that for all the planning the administration has maintained, and the glossy "coalition" we have built to fight world terrorism, we did not plan on the porous unprotected Iraqi borders that would allow jihadists to enter Iraq and multiply the insurgency. It is akin to the United States border with Mexico. How many millions have illegally emmigrated here to better their lives? How many jihadist supporters of the insurgency in Iraq are able to cross borders to join the fray? I don't think Rumsfield, Cheney, Bush, Libby or anyone had the slightest clue as to the impact of fighters moving into Iraq. Now that the world knows America condones fascist techniques such as torture, more and more folks will cross borders to express their "views" against torture and the like. Meanwhile others will think of the 2000+ year history of western invasion of the middle east. From the Crusades to today, that region has seen more bloodshed than I can imagine. The arrogance of the United States to premeptively initiate this conflict, and the stupidity of not providing enough "coalition" forces to secure Iraqi borders equates to the quagmire we now face.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Which Coalition?

It irks me to no end when the Iraqi war supporters talk about the "coalition" showing the world's solidarity against terrorism. Before Suddam, there was no insurgency in Iraq, even though he was a pathological murderer of his own people. Now since the invasion in 2003, the insurgency has become a "coalition" How many countries are supplying jihadists to this insurgency.. We know Iran is behind the Shite militias picking off British soldiers in the Basra area. We know that Syria is a pipeline for insurgents and the money that backs it. Which coalition is larger? How many countries are contributing to the insurgency in Iraq? The coalition with the United States except for Britain is composed primarily of token, symbolic, hardly effective troops. The United States, like Rep John Murtha says, is the primary target and focus of the coalition of insurgents in Iraq, a coalition that out of desperation, uses women to become suicide bombers, and uses remote controlled roadside bombs to kill and maim. And most importantly, the populace of the coalition countries supporting the United States, are increasingly against the participation of their troops even though they comprise just a few squads. I agree with John Murtha that with the Abu Grahib prison tortures, the torture prisons kept by the CIA around the world, and even the Iraqi Interior Ministry's use of torture against Sunni prisoners held in a secret location in Bahgdad are tactics of fascism and will certainly fail to win the "hearts and mind" of the Arab people. In fact, our use of torture will only create more hatred against America. Why our leaders seem so unaware or so arrogantly narrow minded toward these methods is beyond me. How much alike the fundamentalism of the Christion Right is with Islamic fundamentalism is uncanny. Both are anti-gay, both are intolerant of women's rights. Both balk at opposing viewpoints, and both rely on strict interpretations of their respectable scriptures. These similarities are striking in that both these extremist religious "sects" have fostered this conflict since 9/11. It's a black mark on humanity and will go down in history as one of America's darkest moments, unless we turn things around sooner than later.

Friday, November 18, 2005

War Dollars Kill People At Home

NEW SALEM, N.D. (AP) -- Dr. Tom Kaspari says it's not true he works at the medical clinic here for free. ''I usually get jars of plum jelly or some salsa,'' he says.

It's enough for him. But it may not be enough to keep the New Salem Community Clinic in business. Even with a staff of volunteers, the clinic is in the red.

''I don't know how much longer we can stay open,'' says 89-year-old Milt Grube, one of Kaspari's regular patients who also serves on the clinic board of directors. ''We need some federal money to keep afloat.''
The above snippet I just read emphasizes how the billions spent in Iraq kills, god knows how many people, here in the United States. This small clinic's financial woes in North Dakota is just the tip of the iceberg in explaining Bush's priorities. There are probably more people suffering here in the United States, even though the Iraqi war has killed 100,000 to date. The spiralling violence in Iraq is more "shock & awe" to sane minded people, than the "Shock & Awe" propoganda the public heard before the first bombs fell and now is filling oil magnate pockets who planned this pathetic thing in the first place!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Intensified Ideological Splits

Powerful congressman John Murtha's call today for "immediate withdrawal of American military" from Iraq, is evident of the massive split and increasing pressure to shift direction from Bush policies. John Murtha and others who oppose pre-emptive oil profiteering and pillaging of dwindling oil reserves (Iraq) will help to reveal, along with the Libby indictments and the investigation of the secret involvement of oil executives with Cheney's "National Oil Task Force" the exposure of the "criminalities" undertaken in the events leading up to the Iraqi war. We know that this is no reason for a single death out of the already outragious 2000+ lives that have already been snuffed out, and only underscores Murtha's plea today.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Oil Company CEO's Lie To Congress

Oil company CEO's and Dick Cheney's 2001 conversations are under a seal of confidentuality, we learn today. Yet, much has been known about the Cheney Oil War Halliburton connection for years. Well folks..2000 dead and counting, higher oil prices, kazillions in oil company profits...where do I stop? The Libby indictments have, of course, opened up the preverbial "can of worms" as scrutiny of these newly discovered documents will tie into the preemptive war occurring now, as well as the assault on the press. I can imagine the $billions$ in the Libby defense fund, as well as the gold lined walls of the bunker where Cheney sits.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Scary Stuff

Iranian President Mohammad Khatami wants Israel to be "wiped off the face of the earth.". Pat Robertson wants to have Hugo Chavez assassinated, and asserts that the people of Dover, Pennsylvania, be "excommunicated." These are public statements reported by the world press with many around the world bewildered and outraged. Condemnations and side-steps aside, it is not my intent to state my outrage of all the extremes of Christian and Islamic fundamentalism, or those of Israeli ultra Zionists, who have, and continue to commit acts of inhumanity. Rather, my outrage is totally based on FEAR! Yes, I am very frightened when I hear these men's words. The fear in Robertson's tone scares the bejesus out of me the most. My fear of the hatred in their remarks, these supposed "leaders" in powerful countries portend a dismal future. My worst fear is the horrid realization that it is happening right before our eyes. If and when their hopes are realized, I fear that my children will experience an insanity never before seen, as civilization crumbles around them. Talk to Nazi holocaust survivors about this fear, or the now scattered Armenians, as well as, the "survivors" of genocide taking place at this moment in the Sudan! Express your outrage!

Why We Should Examine Iraq

Using "Shock & Awe" as an advertisement for what was to come, the United States uprooted Saddam Hussein, leaving Iraq's government and infrastructure in shambles. The following chaos led to a period of anarchy and disorder fostering a breeding ground for the world's Islamic Jihadists to develop an "insurgency", that would engage the United States. Now, here we are, with, if you read the fine print, an Iraqi constitution with a built in self destruct button, certain continuing Iranian participation in Shiite militias in the Basra and southern areas of Iraq, and Turks in the north groaning against growing Kurdish power in the region. With alleged Syrian and Lebanese involvement in "regional affairs" this conflict is becoming so infectiously widespread, that, I fear my 12 year old boy could be fighting in some remote hellhole in the not too distant future. This scenario had better not happen. and is reason enough to inform parents of future soldiers by opening the "book" on all aspects leading up to and concerning this war. This war has the potential to become a "global" event, so the more we know the better.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Freedom of Greed in America

1. no profits in flu vaccines, so the potential for millions of deaths. 2. no dollars for hurricane sea walls and levees, since tax cuts deplete public spending. 3. no health benefits for tens of millions, again tax cuts, compounded by injuries caused by hurricanes increasing health care cost and undue deaths. 4. countless lies by our leaders, so special interests are maintained. 5. loss of competitive edge, since public education has been stripped clean of funding, lining corporate pockets. 6. the "seeds" of a new facsism are sown

More Walmart

check this out There is freedom of greed in America, and many take advantage of it.. My view is that this greed thing is getting out of hand, and it sure is nice to see the national press covering this story... I hope they pursue it to it's core and expose the criminalities that Walmart have committed.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Pat Robertson Stops Short of Calling for Assassinations!

Today, Pat Robertson excommunicated Dover, Pennsylvania. WalMart's Black Ops have been summoned to contain "information" in and around the Dover, Pa area.....FEMA has not yet responded, but Homeland Security chief Michael Chartoff is expected to release a press release soon.

Thoughts on Google, WalMart & Freedom of Speech

Google's business is the dissemination of information, or rather, the freedom it offers it's user, to desseminate said information. While the information is "passed" arround, we see advertisements galore, obtrusive or not, yet the info moves freely, thereby increasing our freedom considerably to new bounds. Quite a product actually, and now reason for companies such as Walmart to be upset, so much so, that they have created "war rooms" to counter "charges" by various critics. Walmart's displeasure with Google's product of "freedom of information" which is paid for, of course, by corporate advertising dollars, ironically, maintains the notion that "nothing is free." Corporate fear of freedom of information is anti-democratic by definition and symptomatic of a more troubling issue. which is that morality alone is the only constrant against such a powerful company run amuk.................................. Food for thought? Doesn't Sam's Club sell that?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


The following report of blog censorship is indicative of the struggle ahead for the press. The pursuit of truth for the origins of the current Iraqi war will be difficult with the major commercial sources of journalism being corporate, thereby, profit oriented. Let us hope that each and every individual who gathers the truth, regardless of occupation uphold and defend precious Freedoms of the Press. The truth is the foundation of our legal system and an embrace of democratic brotherhood. May the truth shine in the comming later. .
Riot Crackdown Nets Bloggers

By Bruce Gain

02:50 PM Nov. 09, 2005 PT

French prosecutors shut down several blogs this week and arrested bloggers suspected of inciting violence, as officials moved to squelch riots that have rocked France for more than 10 days.

A prosecuting attorney from Le Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris, who spoke under condition of anonymity, told Wired News that three bloggers and forum visitors allegedly posted messages that violated French criminal statutes governing violent speech. Two of the bloggers, who were arrested earlier this week, could be arraigned under violent speech statutes, the prosecutor said. The blogs in question, he said, were hosted on a French site called Skyblog, which is owned SkyRock

One of the blogs, called Hardcore, allegedly published violent, racially tainted hate speech that, according to the prosecutor, incited violence with a post called "Destroy France."

"We arrested the site's creator and the author of a posted message, which called for rioters to 'take out all of France' last Friday between 9 and 10 o'clock," the prosecutor said, adding that the alleged perpetrators were a minor and an adult in the Paris region who are under house arrest and facing criminal charges.

Authorities in Aix-en-Provence, the prosecutor said, are questioning another minor who was arrested for having allegedly called for "anyone who is man enough to go and burn down the local police department," on his site, Nike La France, which means "take out France."

Skyblog has shut down many other sites, a Skyrock spokesman said, but he would not elaborate on their content.

"All I can say is that we don't comment on exactly why we shut down certain sites, which we systematically do as a matter of policy when they violate certain guidelines," David Roizen said. "Other than that, I can't say anything more and I don't have the time to go into it, either."

Skyrock deletes roughly 6,500 articles and shuts down 10 blogs every day that violate its policy prohibiting racist, obscene or violent content, the company said in a statement.

"In some of the serious cases, we alert the authorities," the statement said.

But Ahmed Meguinia, a political activist who saw some of the Paris region's hardest-hit areas during the past week, said many bloggers feared prosecution for publishing even nonviolent content. While not condoning blogs that incited violence, he said that there was a lack of media coverage explaining why ethnically segregated inhabitants of some of France's poorest cities have been driven to riot. Instead, the world repeatedly sees CNN images of burning cars and shops, he said.

"Many think that you can get arrested by only saying that you agree with the riots," Meguinia said. "Meanwhile, journalists are only writing about what the public officials tell them, and won't go into certain neighborhoods because they think they are as dangerous as Baghdad."

Since the civil unrest began Oct. 29, nearly 1,500 individuals have been arrested or questioned by prosecutors, according to the French Ministry of Justice .

A Poll

What is the estimate, in real-world figures, the size of those willing to be Suicide Bombers? All relevant responses will be posted.

What the F**k?

The defense attorneys in the Saddam Hussein trial have all "boycotted" for personal security reasons. They are being picked off one by one just as remote-control roadside bombs pick off American troops and Iraqi citizens. There is no end in sight and no clear process or progress in providing the barest of safety for the close to a quarter million troops, the "elected" Iraqi government officials, indeed, the common Iraqi. Be honest, how would you feel if there were thousands being blown to bits around YOU. The hate must cease, the weapons must be silenced. We must contend with the larger issues of "freedom of greed" which perpetuate these insane policies that so threaten our lives. I fear an out of control spiraling of escalating violence in Iraq, unless we seriously upend the Suit Nazi conspiracy of greed.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

There Must Be a Cease Fire

Enough said. Right? I wish it were that easy, yet it could be. Stop firing..include international security for all in the region. Conduct a Peoples Summit, the only prerequisite: Peace. No firing, no roadside bombs, no torture, no disrespect, hey! lets have it catered! An international presence, led by all nations, with full participation by all with focus, humanity, humility and hope...


My first girlfriend was a Southern Baptist from San Antonio, although I knew Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Episcopalians, Hari Krishnas and a few Taoists in my time.. I have been married to a Catholic, a Jew and a Muslim. How different all these relationships were. To be embroiled in a war with so many religious concerns, and to have religion in America, now causing so much hate is very disturbing. Pat Robertson really wants to see Venezuala's Chavez murdered!..For American religious leaders to have such opinions reeks of something afoul in our midst. Religion should be a joyous experience, not one filled with hate, as we see so evidently on both sides of the fence.

Monday, November 07, 2005

It's About Iraq

Our troops in Iraq are like British Redcoats, out in the open in uniform, while the opposition remote-control roadside bombs and pinprick all the way up the casualty ladder. The US Army assualt remote Anwar province, albeit in the thick of Syrian fundementalists, blaring sonic propagandas, and using napalm type weapons, while the CIA control clandestine prisons. Thoughout Iraq, citizens are dying in numbers far-exceeding those who died under Saddam. The Iranian influenced southern region dominated by the Iranian Secret Police, are forming their own militias and are already corrupted by anti-democratic elements...I could go on and on and on...but not fully understanding Islam, I must hesitate, as should the French and learn later.

The Same Old Excuse

The Bush rationale for all things defending the war, is to "protect the American People" I'm tired tired tired......Are these measures to be our "stamp" on the history of this administration? Are we frightening the world with "Black Op's Wal-Mart War Rooms and Suit Nazis who greedily increase their "market share" for the distribution of commodity. Why do we torture? How could we torture? Why do we torture secretly. and today Bush makes blatent denials when asked of American Torture cells. Rather, what steps have the Bush administration taken to understand the scope of Islamic culture and customs. Do the followers of Islam expect torture if caught by CIA operatives? In order to stop this ideological nightmare Americans find themselves embroiled, the perception of the Islamic religion must be understood with the same intensity we war with it. I suggest Mr Bush spend one day like those who have spent years in Guantanamo. I suggest that Bush add Islamic studies to the Ethics composium his staff are required to attend.
PANAMA CITY, Panama Nov 7, 2005 — President Bush on Monday vigorously defended U.S. interrogation of suspected terrorists after the public disclosure of secret CIA prisoner camps in eastern European countries. "We do not torture," he declared.

"There's an enemy that lurks and plots and plans and wants to hurt America again," Bush said. "So you bet we will aggressively pursue them but we will do so under the law."
By DEB RIECHMANN Associated Press Writer

Saturday, November 05, 2005

A Reminder.........and more freedom of speech.

Wasn't too long ago Pat Robertson espoused assassinating Venezuela's Chavez. Now riots 6 blocks from the Bush. The United States are becoming loathed. Wal-Mart considers Google a threat. Will Walmart and their new war room be able to stifle the free speech movement inspired by Google? Will the Libby defense try to discredit the American press in the upcoming trial? Although Pat's comments buttress the realm of the Suit Nazis, he has freedom of speech. Unfortunaly, Robertson has an audience of millions. But his comments are so abhorrant and dispicable, compelling me to respond once later

Friday, November 04, 2005

Suit Nazis? Freedom of Speech?, Freedom of the Press?

Torture by United States citizens (CIA?), conducted in countries that condone the use of torture is chilling evidence of "Suit Nazi" methodology. These Suit Nazis do not wear uniforms like the Nazis of the 1920's to 1945, the, thankfully, failed Third Riech. But the tenents of Nazism were not destroyed. The coming Libby litigation will be an attempt to curtail, harass and disenfranchise the press, akin to Nazi book burning. And, as German Nazis committed holocaust, the rigidity of the Christian right-wing fundamentalism and their partnership with "corporate" greed (Wal-Mart War Room?) might very well set the stage, or create an atmosphere, where G_d forbid, another holocaust could occur. The religious sane (Jimmy Carter?) are only now beginning to express their outrage. But how many are actually becoming alarmed? Hopefully the judicial process especially, the Libby (Cheney?) litigation, will proceed with dignity and crush this Suit Nazi conspiracy.

Dissent Now.....................Music Later

Mar Del Plata, Argentina: The images on CNN portray dissent. Clearly an anti-Bush demonstration. We must consider Chavez's point of view. Jimmy Carter's new book portrays his outrage for the unethical Bush administration. My car machanic feels we went to war under falsehoods, but he still low-balled me a bit. Hey, we are people, complex organisms. We can feel abstract ideas. We can achieve infinite modes of bliss. We can redirect our lives and turn this country around................................dissent later.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Let Wisdom & Patience Prevail to Preserve Our Lifetime & Freedom of the Press

I know too well the pace of the legal system. My divorce was litigated for 5 years. Being male, and seeking custody of my 2 year old son, maternal rights, 3 attorneys, pyschological testing, gaudian ad litems, etc lengthened the process considerably. My "experience" only sustains what we must do in the wake of Libby's "not guilty" plea. The next court appearance will not be until Feb 06' and he is free under his own recognizance. 90 days.....a political lifetime? 2000-2005. The G.W.Bush era... a political lifetime? We must use this time wisely, to make "aware" all we are able. A political lifetime? No, lifetime!! We need to renew our lifetime. Yet, we can do this politically. Let us discuss the issues together and let wisdom and patience prevail to preserve our lifetime & freedom of the later

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Let's Keep the Ball Rolling

It seems that the Democratic closure of the Senate yesterday, has had some positive effect in that the intelligence commitee agreed to offer findings in about two weeks, where as before, intelligence commitee member Diane Feinstein claimed that any further actions by the intelligence commitee were nowhere to be seen on the agenda. Bill Frist's claim that this "parlimentary" move was a "stunt" belies his own business dealings that are currently under investigation that have "criminal" implications. Keep this ball later.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Guantlet Has Been Thrown

Democratic Senate leadership frustration (rightly so in my humble opinion) with Republican Intelligence commitee promises to investigate the run up to the Iraq war, and the closed mouth responses to the Libby indictments, has caused them to invoke a 'premptive" closure of the Senate to discuss "classified" information. With no word to the Republican leadership of this move from Senate Democrats, is in effect a declaration of war against the Republican control of the legislative, executive, and soon (if Alito is confirmed) the judicial branches of government. I hope the American people follow closely the debate that is about to occur, that they look inwards towards themselves in order to realize the inhumanity of war, the unfettered freedom of greed, and the corruption that is so pervasive in America later