Monday, November 21, 2005

Which Coalition?

It irks me to no end when the Iraqi war supporters talk about the "coalition" showing the world's solidarity against terrorism. Before Suddam, there was no insurgency in Iraq, even though he was a pathological murderer of his own people. Now since the invasion in 2003, the insurgency has become a "coalition" How many countries are supplying jihadists to this insurgency.. We know Iran is behind the Shite militias picking off British soldiers in the Basra area. We know that Syria is a pipeline for insurgents and the money that backs it. Which coalition is larger? How many countries are contributing to the insurgency in Iraq? The coalition with the United States except for Britain is composed primarily of token, symbolic, hardly effective troops. The United States, like Rep John Murtha says, is the primary target and focus of the coalition of insurgents in Iraq, a coalition that out of desperation, uses women to become suicide bombers, and uses remote controlled roadside bombs to kill and maim. And most importantly, the populace of the coalition countries supporting the United States, are increasingly against the participation of their troops even though they comprise just a few squads. I agree with John Murtha that with the Abu Grahib prison tortures, the torture prisons kept by the CIA around the world, and even the Iraqi Interior Ministry's use of torture against Sunni prisoners held in a secret location in Bahgdad are tactics of fascism and will certainly fail to win the "hearts and mind" of the Arab people. In fact, our use of torture will only create more hatred against America. Why our leaders seem so unaware or so arrogantly narrow minded toward these methods is beyond me. How much alike the fundamentalism of the Christion Right is with Islamic fundamentalism is uncanny. Both are anti-gay, both are intolerant of women's rights. Both balk at opposing viewpoints, and both rely on strict interpretations of their respectable scriptures. These similarities are striking in that both these extremist religious "sects" have fostered this conflict since 9/11. It's a black mark on humanity and will go down in history as one of America's darkest moments, unless we turn things around sooner than later.


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