Scary Stuff
Iranian President Mohammad Khatami wants Israel to be "wiped off the face of the earth.". Pat Robertson wants to have Hugo Chavez assassinated, and asserts that the people of Dover, Pennsylvania, be "excommunicated." These are public statements reported by the world press with many around the world bewildered and outraged. Condemnations and side-steps aside, it is not my intent to state my outrage of all the extremes of Christian and Islamic fundamentalism, or those of Israeli ultra Zionists, who have, and continue to commit acts of inhumanity. Rather, my outrage is totally based on FEAR! Yes, I am very frightened when I hear these men's words. The fear in Robertson's tone scares the bejesus out of me the most. My fear of the hatred in their remarks, these supposed "leaders" in powerful countries portend a dismal future. My worst fear is the horrid realization that it is happening right before our eyes. If and when their hopes are realized, I fear that my children will experience an insanity never before seen, as civilization crumbles around them. Talk to Nazi holocaust survivors about this fear, or the now scattered Armenians, as well as, the "survivors" of genocide taking place at this moment in the Sudan! Express your outrage!
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