Friday, November 18, 2005

War Dollars Kill People At Home

NEW SALEM, N.D. (AP) -- Dr. Tom Kaspari says it's not true he works at the medical clinic here for free. ''I usually get jars of plum jelly or some salsa,'' he says.

It's enough for him. But it may not be enough to keep the New Salem Community Clinic in business. Even with a staff of volunteers, the clinic is in the red.

''I don't know how much longer we can stay open,'' says 89-year-old Milt Grube, one of Kaspari's regular patients who also serves on the clinic board of directors. ''We need some federal money to keep afloat.''
The above snippet I just read emphasizes how the billions spent in Iraq kills, god knows how many people, here in the United States. This small clinic's financial woes in North Dakota is just the tip of the iceberg in explaining Bush's priorities. There are probably more people suffering here in the United States, even though the Iraqi war has killed 100,000 to date. The spiralling violence in Iraq is more "shock & awe" to sane minded people, than the "Shock & Awe" propoganda the public heard before the first bombs fell and now is filling oil magnate pockets who planned this pathetic thing in the first place!


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