Saturday, October 29, 2005

Utter later

Well, the administration's post indictment remarks seem to show the "denial" that I expected. I hope the grassroots anti-war movement will blossom as the now blatantly corrupt Bush presidency wilts and withers. The pundits supporting Bush remark how the original charge of outing a CIA agent, was not included in the indictments, but they fail to mention that this indictment could not be brought forth, since Libby's perjuries and false remarks are at the base of that particular indictment. Fitzgerald made it "perfectly clear" that his investigation will continue, so I expect, that eventually those indictments will indeed be issued. The administration's supporters, do not even address the obstruction of justice indictment, knowing full well, that this charge is the real achilles heel here. But the real outrage is the expected Supreme Court nomination, that will probably happen as early as Monday, an obvious attempt to" change the subject." Arrogance run later


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